Feel Good Inside & Out
One of our most important commitments is to make sure all kids feel represented by our label.
All kids should feel good about themselves and the skin they’re in. We want any child wearing our clothes to feel their best so they’re free to explore, play and you know, just be kids.
We design most of our clothes as individual pieces that easy to wear, made to dress up or down, mix and match, with adjustable or elasticated finishing. This gives your child more choice over how they wear their clothes, whatever their body shape or size.
We carefully consider and select every fabric, finish everything by hand and keep our production small – this way we can prioritise quality over quantity.
Our Commitments

Handcrafted With Lots Of Love & Care
Our clothes are made to be kept or passed on. Its why we focus on being handmade and high quality, and one of the ways we try to make sure our label is promoting sustainability.

Supporting Craftspeople
We’re committed to creating each Indigo Kids piece in a considered and ethical way.
We work with villages across Indonesia who specialise in certain crafts, from hand-dying, embroidery, printing to beading. These small, village industries are often led by women. Our slow, small-batch approach means that these craftspeople are often able to work from their homes, and are always paid a fair wage.
This slow, handcrafted approach to making our collections, along with out small batch prints and colour runs makes our pieces unique.

Giving Back
We want to give back to communities in the best way we can, so we focus our efforts on causes that we really care about. We’re proud to support several children and women’s education and safety programs in Indonesia.

Who We Are
Back in the early 80s, our founder Dee Leonard left her hometown in Sydney, Australia and made the move to Bali, Indonesia. She married into a big Balinese family and started up her own company
Between all of this, and with no telephones, computers, internet or much electricity, amazingly, Dee managed to start a business. It was a clothing line and she called it Indigo. With so many kids in her Bali family, Dee soon started making clothes for all of them. She used local fabrics that she picked herself and had each one handmade. They were one of a kind – the type of clothes you want to hold on to as a keepsake or pass onto your children.
After seeing how comfortable (and cute) the kids were in her clothes, Indigo Kids was born. It was one of the first children’s wear labels in Bali.
Dee’s daughter Sophia (now herself a mum of three girls) took over the label in 2010. Together, they work side by side on the creative stage of design.
They work with the same original ideas in mind – garments that are locally handcrafted, high quality and make kids feel good inside and out. Still the kind of clothes you want to keep and pass down, and still with the label’s Bali roots very much in place. You’ll see it in our prints, colours and styles.
These are clothes made on islands under the sun, but we hope you and your kids will love and keep our clothes wherever you are in the world.